Why I Think Social Media Marketing Is Interesting

social_media_strategySocial media has changed the way that we market. If a business does not use social media, it is often considered “out of touch” and not relatable, since 75% of all adults use some form of social media. In light of these statistics,we develop a strategy with unique practices.

1. Social Media Strategy

My social media strategy involves using the following sites: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest. Specifically as an artist, Instagram and Pinterest are good for displaying visual media, and as I film my drawing process, I’m able to provide high-speed drawing videos for additional entertainment on YouTube. Facebook and twitter are mostly for updates – Facebook is especially good for interacting with potential clients.

2. Social Media Best Practice

It’s good to keep things simple, yet attention-grabbing. Unfortunately in today’s world, there is an increasing correlation between attention and success. Publicity is publicity, even if it’s negative. Therefore, try to keep things creative in order to grab your viewer’s attention in a good way instead of through cheap ploys and immorality.

3. Articles I Recommend

Here is an article that I recommend by Convince&Convert. The article provides a simple 8 step strategy for using social media effectively. Some of their tangible advice includes imitating your competition, having a narrow tweeting purpose, and using valid measurements to determine your ROI efficiency.

Another article by Forbes talks about how to treat your followers and clients. Especially with the rise of things like Yelp and Google Reviews, there is a serious correlation between success and customer satisfaction.

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